Monday, November 8, 2010

Winters California

 Alex and I are keeping separate blogs and we aren’t going to read each other’s blog until we are done with our across country road trip. Crazy, right? I know. We may write about the exact same stuff, but we both will have different perspectives. So that could be quite interesting. If you are following both our posts then I’ll apologize right now if we sound redundant. 
Wow, where do I start…Alex and I left Sacramento on Monday November 8, 2010 for our across country road trip and we arrived in the town of Winters, CA. It’s about a 45min drive from Sacramento and it is a nice little quaint town. One person we met said this town is a little like Mayberry from the show Andy Griffith. Right away I felt a sense of community in Winters. We meandered around the town and saw a sign for a town “Mixer” and later we found out it was being hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and catered by Buckhorn Grill. The cost was five dollars for all you can eat appetizers and wine. Alex and I definitely had to check it out and there was nothing else to do that sounded interesting. I guess we may run into a lot of nothingness to do in small towns after the sun starts going down. Anyways, we went and surprisingly we met quite a few very friendly people, including the owner of Buckhorn Grill! We didn’t know at the time he was the owner of Buckhorn Grill, but as we were chatting with him we asked if he knew of any free wifi spots in the town and he said, “Well I’m the owner of Buckhorn so I can just give you the password to our wifi.” And he did. That was so cool!
We also met a couple who own a bar in town. They gave us a business card and the offer of two free beers. I don’t really like beer, it just tastes too gross, but we went and I had a few sips, I couldn’t drink very much of it because it tasted so gross, and all I could think about was the empty calories I was putting into my body. So, I had Alex finish it.
Everyone we have met so far has been so nice and welcoming. All the nervousness I felt before the trip has gone away. God has definitely blessed us on the first day of our travels and I pray that He continues to bless us. Please keep us in your prayers.  

1 comment:

  1. What a good wife to give your man your beer. Thats cool that he gave you the password too.
