Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Alex and I are done with our visit in Sacramento and now we're back on the road. We stayed in Sac for a week and Alex was busy being occupied with the bus and we both were hanging out with friends and family so, we didn't really make time to do anything touristy. It was fun to hang out with everyone. We left on Sunday to the small town of Isleton. We didn't leave Sacramento until the evening. So, when we got to Isleton it was dark. We stayed at an RV park that was overpriced and had gross bathrooms. Our plan was to spend the next morning in Isleton and walk around the town, maybe get some crawdads, but plans don't always work out so well. Isleton was the coldest place we have been so far. It got all the way down to 32 degrees, but surprisingly I got really hot at night. I think I over dressed because I was anticipating it to be so cold. I wore three pairs of socks, long johns, and flannel pajamas, plus we had three very warm blankets. To say the least, it was too much warmth! So, the next morning we took a short little walk and then decided to drive the bus into town, which was about five miles away. Guess what? It happened again. Another oil spill! Ugh. This time we didn't realize it right away. As Alex and I were driving down the road I said to him, "Are you sure you let the bus warm up long enough?" He replied, "Oh, the suns out and I don't think it needed to be warmed up that much." As soon as he said that he looked down at the dash and said, "Oh Sh%#!" Then he pulled over. Another oil leak, all because he didn't let the car warm up.Oh, and by the way, this is the third time this has happened. I didn't write about the second time because it happened in Sacramento while we were visiting. The rest of our morning and some of the afternoon was spent fixing the oil problem. So, our plan to see Isleton didn't go as planned. After the oil spill we left and drove to Hayward and stayed at my Aunt Linda's house.

I love my Aunt Linda. She is so nice and friendly, outgoing and so hospitable. Being around her always makes me happy. When we got to her house my cousins Noah and Kevin were there, as well as, Noah's finance and her son. So, it was a packed house, but it didn't seem crowded. Alex and I got to sleep in a Cal-King bed and it was so comfortable, especially compared to the bus. We took the Bart train to San Francisco the next day and walked all over the city. The weather was nice; sunny with a little bit of clouds. We walked by all the expensive designer stores, Chinatown, Little Italy, Coit tower, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, The Exploratorium, then back to the Bart. We seriously walked all day.

I was scared by the Tree Man at Fisherman's Wharf and it was pretty funny. For those of you who don't know who the Tree Man is, he is this guy who holds two tree bush branches and crouches down and hides behind the branches. Then, when an unsuspecting passer-byer, like me, walks by he quickly reveals himself from behind the branches and says, "rah!" If he scares you then you are supposed to tip him, but I was so scared that I totally forgot about the tip and continued to walk by. I said to Alex, "I can't believe I got scared by the Tree Man!" I've seen him do it to other people and thought it was hilarious. Now I just became another one of his victims.

Coit Tower was pretty cool, except for the fact that it was closed due to renovations, but the outside of it was nice. It's a tower that was built to help make San Francisco look nicer and Lille Coit commissioned the building of it. She was a rich lady who was a volunteer firefighter and was known to be pretty eccentric. Coit Tower is very beautiful, I just wish we were able to see more of it.

We also, went to the Exporatorium. Man, talk about sensory over load! If you are in San Fran and have never been there then you need to go. It has all kinds of science stuff. My favorite was the different brain exhibits. There were memory games and different tools to measure emotions and test judgement.

After spending a few hours there my brain started to hurt because I guess I was using it too much. It was a ton of fun. It started to get late so we decided to head back to the Bart, but first we had to visit our friend John at RickHouse. He served us some delicious drinks. More than we probably needed.

We left Hayward this afternoon and decided to stay in Half Moon Bay. We walked through Main St and got some food and are chillin for the rest of the night.

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