Monday, April 25, 2011


Alex and I had a shorter trip in Boston than we thought we would. Alex started coming down with a cold and on the day we arrived in Boston his cold was the worst. It was really raining and cold outside. We didn't really do much. We stayed inside Starbucks for most of the day to stay out of the rain. By the time it was dark and ready to call it a night, Alex was feeling really under the weather, so we decided to stay in a hotel for the night. While driving to the hotel I saw a house decorated in Easter lights and I felt like it should have been Christmas lights due to the really cold weather. Now that we are so far up north, I think all the Springtime weather went away. Well, I guess this is what Springtime is like for New England....cold and rainy.

The next day was Easter Sunday. We went to a church nearby the hotel we stayed at. Honestly, I can't tell you if it was a good service or not because I was practically sleeping the entire time. The hotel night was not very restful. I was tossing and turning all night. I just couldn't sleep, but the sound of the pastor's voice sure did put me to sleep.

Easter Sunday was actually really nice when it came to the weather. It was sunny with some scattered clouds, and I think it got all the way up to 72 degrees. We had to take advantage of this nice weather and venture outdoors. We went to the North End of Boston, which is the oldest part of Boston and walked around for a bit. The city is very old and still has much of it's old town charm. The streets are a nightmare to drive in. I thought Annapolis was bad, but this was wayyyyy worse. It's a true Labyrinth. I got a headache being the navigator for Alex as he drove the van around town. I never want to that again. And don't even get me started on parking...that was a whole other can of worms.
This was a guy in the Boston Market Place doing a stunt.

North End Boston

We enjoyed a lobster roll and a cup of New England Clam Chowder at a small cafe. I guess the lobster in Boston is supposed to be really good. The lobster roll we got was really good, but I had never had one before, so I don't know if I actually had the best. I guess it doesn't matter because it was really good. The clam chowder definitely wasn't the best, but it was still good.

Since it was Sunday, all the museums and historical sites were closed. So, we settled on just passing by them. We walked by Paul Revere's house and the site of the Boston Tea Party. Then guess what happened?? It started to rain again. I thought it was supposed to be a nice day?? Nope. It rained which ruined our day once again.
Paul Revere's house


Alex and I are sooooo fed up with all this rain. It is really annoying. We are also really homesick. We miss everyone so much back in Sacramento. We were going to stay in Boston longer and then go on to Maine, but we decided to finally start heading west. We are on our way home with some stops in between. I don't know exactly when we will be home for good, but it is going to be sooner than planned. I'm really excited about that:D

Alex is just now getting over his cold and now I've caught it. Today has been really bad. I'm so stuffed up, my nose is runny, my head hurts, body aches and I'm doing a blog. I'm only doing one because I said I would once we left Boston.

I think I would like to go back to Boston again, but not with a car. I don't think I truly got to experience Boston at it's best. If I were to go back. I would stay at the Hilton right by The North End of Boston and take public transit around the city. That would make things a little easier.

We are now in Albany, NY. We took a really scenic route through Massachusetts. We drove by the forest, green pastures, lakes and rivers, small towns and farms. It was nice to see some cute small towns for a change. Tomorrow we are going to drive to Niagara Falls. I've always wanted to go there since I was really young, ever since I saw the Movie "It's a Wonderful Life."  I'm hoping I get over this cold fast and feel better to see the Falls.
Driving from Boston to Albany

This view looked way better in person. It was the view of a small town.

A river

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